Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Map of Melbourne Firsts

The map of places passes, the reality of paper tears.
- Laura Riding, The Map of Places, 1927

Last year, when Lisa & I were throwing around ideas for creative mapping projects, we considered how we had presented data in the past, and all the digital possibilities. We are place-centric, forever fascinated with how environment influences behaviour, and how even places that no longer exist can become storehouses for memories. We decided to make a sound map that featured strangers talking around the theme of 'firsts'. We are used to working with narrative, and knew there would be a textual element, but we were also excited at the different textures and layers that would come through using sound. The idea was that we would go into the city and make field recordings, but also ask strangers questions and try and coax 'illuminations'. The resultant map features a diverse range of people telling story snippets that are sometimes funny, sometimes sad, sometimes revelatory, sometimes ordinary. For the project we had five young artists participating, significant support from Signal - especially in the realm of Sound tech - and four weeks with which to do it.You can find the finished map at the link below. Just click on a marker to either hear, see or read a Melbourne first: